1. The lack of concern your German Shepherd has for yours, or anyone else’s ‘Space Bubble’.

2. The need to share what you can with your German Shepherd, when you can.

3. Your German Shepherd’s ambitious nature to retrieve – everything.

A photo posted by Piharian: NZ (@piha172) on

4. Growing another German Shepard out of your German Shepherd’s grooming process.

A photo posted by Meeshe (@meeshe.88) on

5. The trust & friendship your German Shepherd offers you.

A photo posted by dallas hamilton (@dallas.lhdt) on

6. The extraordinary effort behind your German Shepherd asking for attention.

7. When you go on an adventure, your German Shepherd goes on an adventure.

8. Your German Shepherd’s love for water, and play… And what happens when you combine the two.

A video posted by Onyx (@onyxthegsd) on

9. Your German Shepherd’s toys are his… And only his.

A photo posted by Ashley Thomas (@a_thomas02) on

10. Your German Shepherd makes the rules, and any you make are made for bending.

A photo posted by Ben Karpol (@ben_karpol) on

11. The leadership and protection your German Shepherd provides.

A photo posted by @armandothemotopup on

12. One German Shepherd selfie just doesn’t cut it.


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