1. They inspire us to have gratitude for the simple things – like them.  Such as sitting in this here yard chair.

2. We’re reminded that it really is the inside that counts.

A photo posted by Shelbie (@rescuepitbulls) on

3. Their kind and sweet demeanor… Well – it really rubs off on you.

A photo posted by Rescue Pit (@rescuepit) on

5. They remind you that it’s okay to smile like an idiot every once in a while

6. Their loyalty knows no bounds – and yours shouldn’t either!

7.  Showing some unconditional love is a good thing to do.

8. No reason to be vain!  At least you’re not wearing this wig…

9. Thought you had a rough day or a tough past?  A lot of these pups have been through much worse.  They give us perspective.

10. They just make us happier people when they are around!

A photo posted by Ellipie (@mejiaelli) on


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