Even though this sort of behavior used to annoy you, you’re not sure what you’d do without it now


You celebrate the holidays together


Even if it’s in a somewhat unorthodox way

A photo posted by Danlure (@danlure) on


Their coziness is your top priority

A photo posted by Roxanne (@roxannebillington) on


You get more excited for their birthdays than your own

A photo posted by Tales Of A Lab (@talesofalab) on


You consider Labrador art the highest form of art

A photo posted by Chinara D (@chinara0501) on


You dress them up like the princesses they are

A photo posted by Katie (@katienancy) on


You know that your selfie game increases tenfold when you include them

A photo posted by Foster (@fosterthepup13) on


You take them on all your adventures


Because really, there’s no better friend than a lab

A photo posted by Peaches (@yo_soy_peaches) on


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