You truly believe that your bull terrier is your baby

A photo posted by Eddie (@rotary_lopez) on


And would gladly give up your sitting space for the sake of their comfort

A photo posted by JuliusRoth (@bouboujulius) on


You also believe that every bull terrier deserves flowers. Every single one. All of them.

A photo posted by Iva Buchert (@minimummel) on


I mean just look at them. Look.


You know for a fact that bull terrier art is the best art

A photo posted by Emma Ryan (@erillustrations) on


Same thing goes for tattoos


And shirts

A photo posted by debby (@dehvanhappiness) on


And you don’t want this hat. You need this hat.

A photo posted by Liz Ahern (@la_la_liz) on


In fact, everything is better with bull terriers


Because you know that when it comes to bull terriers, the more the merrier.


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