This is how you see all boxers


And you’re pretty sure that this is what’s waiting to greet you at the pearly gates

A photo posted by Bali (@balitheboxer) on


And that this is what’s waiting on the other side

A photo posted by charlotta (@charlottasouthey) on


You have their portraits hanging in their home because duh, they’re art.


You are as proud of this little guy as you would be of your actual, literal child


Because honestly they are your actual, literal children

A photo posted by hollaatALLA (@hollaatalla) on


You take them on the best adventures

A photo posted by Joule (@joule_bug) on


And make sure there’s always time to stop and smell the roses along the way

A photo posted by @rossi_and_lewie on


Your furniture is their furniture


And really, you wouldn’t have it any other way


 Check it Out!