They’re in the foreground of every family portrait


And you always make sure they’re looking their best


Your food becomes their food

A photo posted by Izzie Bear (@izziebizziebear) on


And you make sure that their food is never in short supply


You’d rather they stay comfy than get your work done

A photo posted by Izzie Bear (@izziebizziebear) on


And you don’t think this is lazy. You think it is a wise and well thought out choice to conserve energy, thank you very much.


Portraits of them are the only thing worth drawing


You don’t hesitate to shower them with flowers

A photo posted by @darwin_and_stewie on


Or yummy treats

A photo posted by @thenewf_and_his_goldensisters on


Because you know these guys are your superheroes

A photo posted by @clzwilson on


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