This pup who just really identifies with Santa


And this one who just wants to be Santa’s helper

A photo posted by Lilo (@lilo.thespoodle) on


This big ol’ woofer who was overjoyed (we promise) to be able to pick out a tree

A photo posted by @tobypuff on


This one who got a little carried away in decorating the tree

A photo posted by Laura Wilder (@laurawilder92) on


And this one who became the tree

A photo posted by Miguel Turco (@miguel_turco) on


This lovely lab who believes that everything, including all people and pets, need decoration

A photo posted by Moose (@moose_oso) on


This pup who just can’t wait for ABC Family to play her favorite Christmas movie (hint: it involves a fuzzy green thing and a dog who dresses up as a reindeer)


This poor thing who’s only really excited because her Christmas gift is taking her cone off


And this beagle who says Christmas be damned- I’m opening my gifts NOW

A photo posted by @rizzo_thebeagle on


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