1.) Goggles – You look silly in them, boxers look confident. Like they are about to swim the entire Atlantic type confident.

2.) Your T-Shirt – Literally accentuates their features better than yours. You should probably just let ’em.

3.) Sunglasses – He doesn’t even understand the purpose & he doesn’t have to.

4.) TuTus – Even with no logical reason for wearing them… they look better than you.


5.) Sass – You have reproductions for wearing it on your sleeve; he gets praised for his silly-nature.

6.) Your Blankets – I dare you to try and look as comfortable under that blanket.

7.) Backpacks – Not exactly a fashion statement, purposefully though – it looks natural.

Yes this is a Boxer mix.  Cool your jets.

8.) Work Uniform – Do you think you’d look as good in a PetSmart uniform?… No. You wouldn’t.


9.) Winter Hats – They may not look amused, but they rock it better than you without question.

10.) Nothing – Even in nothing at all – Boxers probably take the cake here too.  


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