1. Introduce your Great Date to other dogs, especially ones larger… It makes them feel good.

A photo posted by Bentley (@bentleybeardog) on

2. Make your Great Dane look fabulous… He likes it.




4. Sometimes, you need to just let your Great Dane have the [whole] couch.

5. When you get home, sit down & tell your Great Dane about your day.

A photo posted by Taylor Kash (@kash_travels) on

6. Take your Great Dane to the beach… & throw a stick. Yes, it’s really that simple.

A photo posted by Winston Waugh (@winstonwaugh) on

8. Tell your Great Dane a good joke… or, offer him some steak. Whatever gets him smiling.

A photo posted by Joann & Moose (@joannwerteen) on

9. Peanut Butter.

A photo posted by hampton27 (@hampton27) on

10. When your Great Dane attempts to hide… pretend they’re nowhere to be found.

A photo posted by Ashton Jenkins (@ajenkins2759) on


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