1. “A sunflower… really? I will allow this for 5 minutes before I roll around until it gets off my face”


2. “You do know that Rudolph got made fun of & had no friends…?”


3. “If you insist on putting me in clothing… maybe you could get some in my size.”


4. “Merry Effin’ Christmas…….. Can I go lay down now?”


5. “No, nothing is wrong. This is just my face.


6. “Yes…I know that’s a ball – what do you want me to do with it?”



7. “What are you looking at me like that for? Pet me or something since you’re obviously not busy…”

8. “I’m paying attention…but, you do know I don’t speak English – yes?



9. “Did you take the picture yet… I want this hat off my head. Is there cake?”


10. “You can’t make me. Leave me behind. I’m too exhausted.”


 Check it Out!