This pretty lady who’s just taking it all in


And this little guy who’s getting all in it

A photo posted by @good_dr_salt on


This fashionista, who likes to keep things simple with understated fall colors


And this festive pug who prefers to dress up as her one true idol, the thanksgiving turkey.


These perky pilgrims


A photo posted by The Doggie Nanny (@doggienanny) on


And this lil guy who just wants dinner to start already


This tiny one who’s taking the cooking upon herself

A photo posted by Nova ???? (@novas_nirvana) on


This pup who’s more of a fan of decorating than eating


These models who are too busy looking fabulous to bother with dinner or décor


And last but not least, this bulldog who firmly believes that you don’t need to wait for thanksgiving to have a proper fall feast