At first glance this guy looks like he’s got a case of the Monday’s but he actually just had a run in with a bee. Not sure which is worse.

A photo posted by Bentley (@bostonbentley_) on


As long as you can keep one eye open, it’s still very possible to convey how mad you are about the whole situation

A photo posted by Mishka ( on


Something in his mouth? Nope just a bee sting.


Alright if we’re being honest Sharpeis with and without beestings are virtually indistinguishable but we still feel for the little guy


If life were a videogame you would probably have to battle this dog. And then the bee.

A photo posted by Calderon (@_lift.laugh.love_) on


Big snoot

A photo posted by ???? (@patronus814) on


Bigger snoot


Biggest snoot

A photo posted by Daisy (@daisy_theyellowlab) on


This poor pup paid the highest price for his run in with a bee. The cone of shame.



A photo posted by Samantha Jamieson (@samzyxo) on


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