“If I don’t make eye contact she won’t know it’s me”

A video posted by Alex Roudoy (@alexroudoy) on


No caption needed

A photo posted by Liz Bazner (@askpliz) on


Hopefully whatever was on the end of this wasn’t that important


Who, me?

A photo posted by kika. (@kika_82_14) on


Good god woman. Anything but Pikachu.


If you act casual at the scene of the crime, it means you’re innocent. Right?


She’s so fancy


Listen, admitting to your crime does not make it better.


Bad 2 tha bone.

A photo posted by Melanie (@melwu3) on


Dog not pictured. Dog too busy running to where Santa will never find him.

A photo posted by Alicia (@whitegurlcray) on


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