1. The baby seems more excited than the American Bulldog regarding their blossoming friendship.

A photo posted by Jeanie (@jbird2706) on

2. In case you missed the memo, your American Bulldog is tired of watching the same old shit on the TV all the time.

3. No more photos, please.

A photo posted by @dukeanddiesel on

4. Just like you, this American Bulldog wants to destroy the alarm clock.

5. I’m over this whole…walking like an animal thing…


A photo posted by @j5nguyen_ca on

6. Who walks in the rain? Why are we walking in the rain?

7. We all know how it goes… This is obviously an A & B conversation… so we will C ourselves out.

8. This cat… thinking it can do whatever it wants.

9. They were so over being cooped up in the house… Problem solved.

A video posted by Nick Leverty (@nickleverty) on

10. Rules? He’s over those too.


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